Gary Lineker Is Not The Story

The recent controversy over whether Gary Lineker broke the BBC’s rules of impartiality is missing the point entirely. The point Gary made stands or falls on its own merits, and is separate from the issue of his contractual breach. His point is far more important than the political theatrics, but the government has done a fantastic job using it to distract from the actual issue.

It seems the political theatrics have now been settled but most of the media has moved on without addressing the actual point he had made, and it’s an important point to address, whichever side you are on. The government is attempting to refuse to accept any refugees by trying to get them all to come here legally. Where do they expect them to be while they’re following the legal process? How is that not a government painting an entire type of already marginalised people as “others,” which I believe is all Gary was trying to point out. It’s not a path any country should want to be wandering down, however aimlessly.

Definitionally they’re fleeing where they are. A long time ago the internationl community got together and agreed that this is exactly the sort of thing they wouldn’t do. Has Brexit really made them all that eager to extract themselves from every community on the planet no matter what the cost?